About Leeds

Leeds is a dynamic and growing city located in West Yorkshire, England. Known for its cultural vibrancy and economic resilience, Leeds has a strong track record of contributing significantly to the UK's economy. Despite facing challenges such as austerity, inflation, and a cost-of-living crisis, Leeds continues to thrive and attract investment. The city's economy is one of only two outside London that are net contributors to the Treasury, highlighting its national significance.

Our Vision for the Future

Leeds City Council's vision is to create an inclusive, compassionate, and ambitious city where everyone can reach their potential. The council acknowledges the challenges ahead but remains committed to working together with the community to continue improving lives and promoting Leeds on a national and international stage.

Councillor James Lewis emphasises the importance of the "Team Leeds" spirit in achieving these goals, ensuring that Leeds remains a great place to live, work, study, and visit, despite the economic challenges.

Leeds City Council and our Best City Ambition

Leeds City Council is committed to making Leeds the best city in the UK, with a focus on tackling poverty and reducing inequalities. The council's "Best City Ambition" outlines a vision to improve the quality of life for all residents through three key pillars:

  1. Health and Wellbeing: Improving health outcomes and promoting wellbeing across the population.
  2. Inclusive Growth: Ensuring that economic growth benefits all residents and reduces inequalities.
  3. Climate Change: Leading in sustainability efforts and tackling climate change, with Leeds being recognised globally for its initiatives.

Our Approach and Achievements

  • Resilience and Partnership: Despite financial constraints and socio-economic challenges, Leeds City Council emphasises the importance of collaboration among local communities and partner organisations to achieve shared goals.
  • Economic Contribution: Leeds continues to contribute significantly to the UK economy, fostering a business-friendly environment that attracts investment.
  • Health and Wellbeing Initiatives: The city has refreshed strategies to improve health outcomes and reduce health inequalities, including becoming a Marmot City, which focuses on addressing social determinants of health.
  • Climate Leadership: Leeds has received the highest 'A grade' from the Carbon Disclosure Project, demonstrating its commitment to sustainability.
  • Community Engagement: The council uses tools like the Social Progress Index to measure and improve community wellbeing, and actively engages with residents to incorporate their experiences into policymaking.
  • Diversity and Inclusivity: With a population of 812,000 people from diverse backgrounds, speaking over 175 languages, Leeds celebrates its rich culture and diversity. The city strives to be inclusive, where everyone can contribute to making Leeds the best city.

Strategic Focus Areas

Going forward the City has 3 main areas of focus:

  1. Health and Wellbeing: Supporting people’s physical and mental health from early years to later life.
  2. Inclusive Growth: Creating opportunities for education, skills development, and employment.
  3. Zero Carbon: Aiming to become the first net zero city in the UK, improving transport, food economy, and housing.

Leeds will use tools like the Social Progress Index to monitor and improve community wellbeing, ensuring policies are informed by data and community engagement. The city also focuses on equity and social responsibility, promoting opportunities for all residents to thrive. Leeds City Council remains dedicated to improving quality of life, tackling poverty and inequality, and promoting Leeds nationally and internationally. The council encourages everyone to play a part in making Leeds inclusive, compassionate, and ambitious.